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Posted by Raymond Bechard in Bible, Christ, Devotion, Devotional, Devotions, evangelism, Jesus, Lord, Meditation, Motivation, Praise, Prayer, Raymond Bechard, redemption, renewal, salvation, Worship.

“See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for He allows us to be
called His children, and we really are!”
I John 3:1

The love parents have for their children is found in the heart of God. In order for you to be the kind of parent that all children need, you must understand what kind of a parent God is to His children.

First, your children need leadership. You have been called by God to instruct your child, point your child to the path of life, and show your child how to walk upon it. You are your child’s spiritual leader. From your lips, your child needs to hear wise words and wise counsel; from your steps, your child needs to see the importance of wise choices and good decisions; from your love, your child needs to discover their purpose, identity, and true worth.

Your children also need great care. Children are very needy people. Every child needs to be cared for and have their basic needs met. You have the responsibility of caring for and providing for the children God has given you. Not one thing can be overlooked. Would God forsake you? Of course not. Never! Nor should you ever allow the real needs of your children to be ignored, nor matter where they are or in whose care they might be.

Your children need your time. It is our greatest and most precious resource. And time has an extraordinary value to all human life. Those who choose not to spend time with their children came up with the lackluster theory that spending “quality time” is more important than the quantity of time. I see the victims of “quality time” parenting wandering the streets every day with no where to go. It’s not a question of quality, it’s a question of quantity. And that means spending large quantities of time with your kids. Being a parent is about being together with your child to share life’s joys and God’s blessings. Every moment you spend with your child is another opportunity for good to happen in their young life. You need to value and guard your time with your children.

Finally, you must give yourself. There’s no easy way to put it, to be a parent is to sacrifice your whole life for your child. It’s not about you anymore. But, when you give yourself to a child you are saying, “I am not only spending this time with you, but you have my complete attention. My eyes are upon you, heart follows you, my thoughts are with you, and my love is around you.” Remember, when God spoke to Abram, God gave him this precious promise, “Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” What a wonderful and cherished gift to give to our children as well.

We witness the most exquisite pattern for our own parenting in God, our Father in heaven. He gives us His love through His wise leadership, His uncompromising care, His unlimited time, and His perfect self. Today, it is our responsibility to pass these blessings to our children.

Today’s Prayer

Lord God, You have given us the privilege as well as the responsibility of being loving parents. In the name of Jesus, we ask you to guide us as we invite our children to hear your call to service and leadership in our Church. May our children respond with deep faith and generosity to the needs of God’s people. Help us to be a source of love and encouragement to our children as we look to you for courage, strength and wisdom in the years to com. Amen.


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